School-Age Speech and Language Therapy

Does your child have difficulty following directions, understanding explanations or stories, or have trouble telling you what they want or need? Do you have a hard time understanding them because they produce some sounds incorrectly or not at all?

Maybe they’re having difficulty in school or with learning to read and spell. You might have even pursued a speech or language evaluation through your child’s school only to discover they don’t qualify for services. 

Language and speech play a vital role in academic and social development as children grow. Bright Light Language, LLC offers convenient, in-home speech and language therapy that is tailored to your child’s specific needs. The therapist works together with caregivers and the child to determine communication priorities and set goals. Whether it be formulating and understanding sentences or producing that ever-tricky “R” sound, Bright Light Language can help!

Click the button below to contact the therapist and get more information about therapy for your child!